
        Lina Inverse sat silently in the drawing room of the Royal Palace of Saillune. The books that Amelia had spoken of were in her hands, and tears were falling down her cheeks as she turned the pages, seeing the words written so neatly in Amelia’s hand.
        During the return trip, she had learned who Lina Wil Gracia Saillune was, and had spent a long time watching the girl curled against Zelgadis, lost in the exhausted sleep of denial when she wasn’t sobbing.
        When they’d returned with Amelia, the entire country of Saillune fell into a black mourning, for Amelia had become well-loved in the years that she had been Queen.
        Indeed, the first few months, Saillune had no legal ruler, and it surprised Lina that they deemed Amelia’s daughter too young to claim the throne. Lost, the girl had spent hours crying in her rooms. No mother, no father… no family, no country. She had nothing to claim but an inheritance she wasn’t old enough to take. She adopted Lina Inverse, Gourry and Zelgadis as her extended family, hesitantly referring to them as her aunt and uncles. When she met with no objections, the rest of the Palace began calling them as such, adding the titles ‘Lady’ and ‘Lord’ where necessary.
        At length, Lina Inverse, Gourry and Zelgadis had discussed the future course of events, and during their meeting, a very fragile-looking Lina Wil Gracia Saillune had walked in with her head high. She had asked simple questions, but ones that held more weight than anyone had ever asked of them before.
        She asked magic training of Lina Inverse, explaining that she wanted to have the best sorceress at her side.
        Gourry Gabriev, she asked to become her bodyguard. Until such time as she could defend herself with blade or spell, it was necessary to employ someone. She would handle the payout of his mercenary contract.

        The girl turned to look at the stone-skinned man with whom she felt some semblance of kinship, even though she shared no blood kin. She took a breath, steadying herself, and then looked at Zelgadis with calm green eyes. “Lord Zelgadis Greywords, it would please My Court if you would accept the post of Regent until such time as I might ascend to the Throne.”
        Silence fell, and Lina Inverse watched Zelgadis carefully. She’d suspected the depth of feelings that he’d had for Amelia, and wondered what lengths he would go to for her daughter.
        He slid out of his chair, kneeling to the underaged Queen and bowed his head. “I am honored that you ask this of me...”
        Lina Inverse held her breath.
        “And I swear to you that I will do the best of my abilities until such time as you come of age.”
        The façade of royalty fell and the girl flew into him, crying. Gently, he embraced her, and she sniffled. “Oh, Uncle Zelgadis…”
        Lina Inverse sighed softly. He’d agreed to take care of the girl. And ‘Aunt’ Lina had little doubts that ‘Uncle’ Zelgadis would do just that.