Lost and Found
Chapter Nine

        The three girls were seated at the kitchen table, steaming cups of tea and plates of cookies in front of them, all chattering away like a group of schoolgirls. Giggles and gasps of astonishment punctuated the discussion, and Xellos watched the three interact and shook his head. How in the name of Shabranigdo am I going to get them to believe that Amy is really Lina…? He thought to himself. Wait a minute. I’m a Mazoku! I’m one of the meanest, ugliest, nastiest creatures to walk on this World… and I’m… I’m… He stared as the girls all three burst into laughter. I’m BABYSITTING!!!
        Xellos slid down the wall of the kitchen and sat on the floor, defeated.

        Zelgadis opened his eyes and looked around his room. Amelia wasn’t there, and it was morning. Damn! That means…
        He darted out of his room and stopped in dismay when he saw the door to Amy’s room open. Amy wasn’t in it. Sounds from down the hall caught his attention, and warily, he went towards the kitchen.
        He entered the kitchen and came to an astonished halt at the sight before him. Amy was standing at the stove, peering over Sylphiel’s shoulder as the cleric was showing her something that was cooking, Amelia was reading ingredients out loud from a cookbook… and Xellos was crumpled against the wall, watching them with a weary sort of resignation.
        He blinked several times, trying to decide what, if anything, he should say. They all looked like they were getting along quite well… and Amy almost looked… happy. Maybe this was better for her. Maybe this was what she needed.
        Sylphiel looked over and saw Zelgadis standing there watching Amy set the table. He looks at her so sadly… is it because she looks so much like Miss Lina…? I wonder what it is that he needs us to help him with? She glanced over to Amelia and knew that the Princess saw him too. Forcing a smile, Sylphiel looked brightly to Zelgadis. “Good morning, Zelgadis! Did you sleep well?”
        He looked at her quietly for a moment. “I shouldn’t have slept at all.” He glanced at Amelia, who bristled.
        “Mister Zelgadis, you needed the sleep!”
        Amy looked to Zelgadis. “She’s right, Zelgadis. You were looking rather tired. I’m sorry that I’ve been such a burden- oh no!” She dropped the spoon that she was holding.
        Four heads turned her way, and Sylphiel blinked. “What is it, Miss Amy?”
        “I didn’t go last night! How will he ever forgive me!?” She grabbed her shoes from beside the door and took off down the porch steps.
        “Damn! Amy!” Zelgadis called out, stopping at the door and watching her vanish over the hill.
        Amelia walked up behind him and peered after Amy. “Maybe we ought to go with her…”
        “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Amelia…” Xellos began, but Amelia silenced him with a look.
        “I’m going. Are you coming, Miss Sylphiel?” Amelia asked.
        “Yes… just let me turn off the stove… there! Wait for me, Miss Amelia!” Sylphiel looked at Zelgadis. “Do you know where she went?”
        Zelgadis reluctantly looked back outside. “Yes.”
        “Good. Let’s go, then,” the cleric replied.
        With a heavy sigh, Zelgadis led the way to the churchyard. One way or another, they had to find out…

        Amy was kneeled at the grave when the others made their way up to her. Before Zelgadis could warn her, Sylphiel had read the entwined initials on the marker and knelt beside Amy and looked to the redhead.
        “Miss Amy… whose grave is this?”
        Amy’s voice was soft. “He was a brave man who gave his life rescuing mine. His name was Gourry Gabriev.”
        Sylphiel’s world inverted as she stared at the grave marker. “Gourry…”
        Amelia froze, shocked beyond words and thought. She sagged against Xellos, who absently steadied her. The emotions running through Amelia and Sylphiel fed the Mazoku, but he derived little pleasure from it. It wasn’t right. Not at the expense of Lina. Not at the risk of the game. Gourry he didn’t care about. Lina, on the other hand… Lina was pivotal in his game…
        Sylphiel reached blindly out to the stone marker, resting her hand on it. “Gourry dear…”
        Amy looked at Sylphiel curiously. “Did you… know him…?”
        Zelgadis’ voice was emotionless. “Sylphiel knew Gourry when they were children.”
        Amy blinked sadly at Sylphiel. “I’m so sorry…”
        Sylphiel turned tear-stricken eyes to Amy. “What happened…?”
        Amy looked at Zelgadis quietly. “I… don’t remember a lot of what happened. But there was some sort of demon…” She steadied herself, a memory flickering across her mind, and her eyes widened as something new flashed in the memory. “It was orihalcon… the Dragon Slave didn’t work in the forest…” She sat perfectly still, eyes as distant as her voice. “And Gourry forgot that he didn’t have the Sword of Light…”
        Zelgadis knelt to look at the redhead. He didn’t dare speak to her, didn’t dare interrupt the moment. But he knew that what they were hearing was Lina remembering.
        Amelia and Sylphiel looked on in confusion, and as Amelia opened her mouth to say something, Xellos calmly put a finger to her lips. The Princess looked to him in surprise, belatedly realizing that she’d been leaning on him. She stepped away and when she saw his eyes open, followed the intense gaze back to the redhead. She had no clue what was going on.
        Sylphiel took the cue from Xellos and simply listened.
        “It moved so fast… and the orihalcon absorbed everything cast… when Xellos showed up… it was too late. But Gourry grabbed me and ran… and that thing… tore Xellos in half…” She shuddered, bringing her arms around her. “The sound… all I can hear is the screaming…” She looked up, seeing Zelgadis in front of her. “Zel… let me go. I can’t… I can’t face…” She looked down at the ground. “I can’t face Sylphiel. I can’t tell her…”
        “Lina…” Zelgadis’ voice was rough.
        Sylphiel was in shock. Was this broken girl in front of her truly Lina Inverse and not Amy Sellmore? Gourry was dead… Lina broken… and…
        It still hadn’t made any sense to Amelia. She watched in complete confusion until Zelgadis whispered Lina’s name. Two things came to the Princess’ mind in quick succession. The first was that Zelgadis sounded like he was in love with the girl in front of him. The second was that he’d just called her Lina. She did the only thing she could do: look to Xellos for some sort of confirmation.
        He looked back at her, eyes unusually intense, and simply nodded.
        Amelia sank to her knees. Lina…? Lina was Amy? Or… Amy was Lina…? But how…?
        Sylphiel took a breath and made up her mind. It didn’t even occur to her that she might be mad with Lina. No, she knew that Lina had loved Gourry just as much as Sylphiel herself had. And if that was what Lina was afraid of… She pushed past Zelgadis and reached out, taking Lina’s chin in her fingers, lifting Lina’s face to hers.
        Zelgadis watched, wondering what sort of effect Sylphiel might have on Lina. It couldn’t be too bad… could it?
        “Miss Lina… You just told me. And I want you to know that I’m not upset with you. If anything, I want you to hurry up and come help me kill the rotten spawn of Shabranigdo that killed our dear Gourry,” The edge in Sylphiel’s normally sweet voice took everyone by surprise.
        Including Lina.
        The redhead blinked once, then twice. “No… you can’t… it’s better to leave it alone…” Her eyes rolled backwards, and she fell forward into Sylphiel, who caught her out of reflex alone.
        Sylphiel’s soft blue eyes sharpened, taking a fierce harshness as she looked to Zelgadis. “Take Lina, Mister Zelgadis. Mister Xellos, we have to go back to Sairaag right now.”