Chapter 4

Rihana, the Dark Mage!
The Exiled Priestess of Shabranigdo!
The New Enemy Arrives!

        Lina stood, following Kira out to the foyer, where a white-clad man leaned on the doorjamb, gasping heavily for breath. A Holy Warrior of Cepheid… I haven’t seen any of them since I left Zefielia! Stepping up behind Kira, she looked to the guest, whose eyes promptly rounded in amazement.
        “Two… Lady Inverse…?” He asked unsteadily.
        Kira dismissed it with a wave. Reaching out with a hand that was glowing softly, she touched the warrior and healing magic began its work. “So. Rihana of the Flames has returned. This is most irritating indeed.”
        “Rihana Hisaki… She fancied herself the most powerful until you came along, wasn’t that how it went, Kira?” Xellos asked as he entered the room with the others.
        Kira’s answer came in the form of a counter-question. “Whose side are you on, Xellos? Answer quickly, and carefully. I have neither the time, nor the patience to put up with you if you’re here to cause trouble.” She noticed the hiss from the Warrior of Cepheid, but said nothing.
        Xellos scratched his head. “Trouble is Lina’s job. I’m only here to report on various actions.”
        Lina spun, glaring daggers at Xellos. “Trouble? It seems to me that the only time things get blown out of proportion is when you’re around, Xellos!” Her temper sparked a dangerous glow in her eyes, and Xellos thought it prudent to back down for the moment. After all, he wasn’t really there for any reason at all… except perhaps to annoy Lina. It was, after all, such fun.
        “Like it is right now?” Zelgadis asked quietly, tacitly ignoring the elbow that was undoubtedly going to be bruised from trying to shush him.
        Amelia shot Zelgadis a look as she rubbed her elbow. It was entirely too easy to forget that he had very solid stone skin. No doubt she’d have a lovely bruise, but she’d heal it when it showed up. As for right now, they needed to focus on the return of Shabranigdo’s long-exiled Priestess.
        The group stepped outside, the sunlight brilliant and forcing them to shade their eyes as they struggled to see the arrival.

        She was an almost reversed-image glowing dark-skinned figure in a red cloak, long black hair flowing in the breeze. For a moment, Lina wondered what unlucky soul had to brush that out after this, but quickly put that thought aside. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about fashion and beauty! But... this woman... A breeze caught the woman's cloak, and the fabric billowed out, revealing the slender figure within. With a sudden jolt, Lina realized that the woman was dressed very much like Rezo had been.
        A blouse of white was tucked into skin-tight black pants, a red belt laced at her waist. In her hand was a half-staff, a brilliant red talisman set into one end. There was a flash of light from the brilliant blue gem that was caught at her throat, and suddenly, Lina's breath caught as her new abilities suddenly flared and she sensed something familiar within that stone's watery depths. Auntie Aqua… the Water Dragon… that's all that's left…? Oh no… Is this who was responsible for the fall of the Water Dragon King so long ago? If this Rihana is that powerful… we could all be in a whole lot of trouble…
        "So," The woman's dulcet voice fell on Lina's ears like velvet, and once again Lina found herself trying not to have a complex about the unfairness of it all. She’s so… so… adult! Why can’t I have a figure like that!? "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lina Inverse."
        Lina looked up from her thoughts to the woman, about to reply, when she realized that this all-frightening woman was looking at Kira rather expectantly.
        Various sweatdrops appeared, and Lina sighed. This was the all-powerful, hideously dangerous Exiled Priest of Shabranigdo? Lina took a breath, and before Kira could answer, stepped forwards and held out her hand. "Actually, I'm Lina Inverse. That's Kira Inverse, my-"
        "Your sister! I should have known! You two look so alike! I'm so sorry..." Rihana interrupted.
        Somewhere in the back of Lina's mind, she identified the sounds of the falling people. Zelgadis and Amelia had hit the floor almost at the same time, Gourry only moments behind them. Naturally, it took Gourry a few seconds more to understand it, she thought. Forcing a smile to Rihana, who was busy peering at the people who had fallen over, Lina shook her head. "No, she's my great-great... great grandmother."
        Kira shot Lina a glare. "I'm not that old, you. Just two greats. Not three."
        Eyes as deep as onyx turned to Lina. "Why are they on the floor? Are they okay?" Rihana peered into the room curiously.
        Violet eyes suddenly blinked back at her, and the Priestess of Shabranigdo gave a startled yelp, hopping back as Xellos grinned. "Why, hello, Rihana. It's been a long time!" He stood with a satisfied smile, eyes closed once more.
        "Not nearly long enough, Xellos Metallium. What are you doing here?" She snarled, a cold chill settling over her, startling Lina.
        "Me?" Xellos feigned innocence. "I'm here on my honeymoon. Tirshen is such a lovely little town..."
        Rihana snorted. "Stop lying, Xellos. It may have fooled me once and long ago, but not anymore."
        An arm slithered over Xellos' shoulder, hand snaking down his chest and two very golden eyes opened to look across to Rihana. "Oh, he's not lying. I'm Elena Ul Kuroryu Metallium. It's a pleasure to meet you..."
        Lina suddenly didn't envy the figure in red. There seemed to be no love lost between Rihana and Xellos, much as Filia and Xellos had preferred to... disagree... they had at least made peace with each other. These two looked like they were old enemies, back from before the wars. Or... she thought, old lovers. Oh dear. That means... well, Xellos is a monster after all...
        Rihana looked to Lina, shaking her head. "Interesting companions you keep, Chaos Knight. Or... are they your... servants, the Priest and General of Beastmaster?"
        "Excuse me," Xellos began as he sweatdropped, but Lina's uplifted hand cut him short.
        "Look, I may be the Knight of Chaos, and I may answer to the Lord of Nightmares, but that doesn't mean that I'm on a power trip, okay? Xellos and Elena are here on honeymoon. What they do is entirely up to them," Lina said calmly, mentally noting where everyone was. It was almost distracting that she could sense the entire group, knew where and how they were standing. Helpful, but distracting.
        "I see. What a shame. You have no idea what your powers will grant you, Lina Inverse," Rihana smiled softly.

        Oh, for crying out loud! This is the Exiled Priestess? I mean… her attention span is shorter than my temper!!! And she’s got a figure! Why do things like this always have to happen to me??? Lina whined to herself as she tried not to glare at Rihana. She’d force herself to be polite. If the woman was half as powerful as Lina feared…
        She is not as powerful as you may think, Lina Inverse.
        Lina blinked as the Lord of Nightmares’ mindvoice interrupted the tirade. She’s not? But that stone at her neck…
        Is indeed what you think it is. You could command its return. Ask for it, if you wish. As you are one of Mine, the lesser must comply.
        As My Knight, you hold seniority over them, Lina Inverse. All of them.
        …All of them…? Lina wondered curiously.
        Oh. My.
        There was a mental chuckle as the Lord of Nightmares coalesced beside Lina. Immediately Xellos, Elena, and Rihana kneeled. Lina looked over, startled, seeing Kira reach out to the Golden One, embracing her as if they were old friends.
        “My Lady…” Kira laughed as the Lord of Nightmares chuckled and returned the embrace.
        Lina heard Amelia, Zelgadis, and Gourry fall over again. As for herself, she wasn’t entirely certain that she hadn’t left reality for some strange dream. She pinched her arm, wincing when it hurt, and shook her head slowly. “This is getting to me, guys. Will someone please explain to me what is going on?”
        The Lord of Nightmares turned to look to Lina with a smile. “There has to be the occasional light moment, you know. I can’t be a serious character all the time…”
        This time, Lina fell over.

        It was a few hours later, and the majority of the people in Kira Inverses’ house were happily chatting away. Those that weren’t were the usual suspects, Gourry and Zelgadis.
        Gourry, for his part, was sound asleep in what had turned out to be a very comfortable chair. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep… but when he sat down and tried to follow the various conversations, well… the vast majority of them were over his head. Sleep came naturally.
        Zelgadis was watching Amelia. Really honestly watching her. Her expressions, her movements… how animated she was while discussing things with Kira. There was a lot to the girl that he hadn’t really taken the time to see before.
        He was so intent on Amelia that he didn’t notice as Lina walked up behind the stool that he sat on and nearly fell off when she nudged him slightly. “Hey! No ogling the Princess of Sailune, Zelgadis!”
        Amelia overheard the comment, and glanced over, blushing.
        Lina laughed softly to herself, seeing the matching blushes. It had been almost too easy to get those two looking at each other. Now, she thought quietly, if only I could get through to Gourry…
        Zelgadis saw the thought cross behind her eyes, saw her gaze flicker to the sleeping swordsman, and looked across to Amelia. The princess had seen it too. But what to do about it? Gourry was dumber than almost everything Zelgadis had ever encountered, but he had a good heart.

        Lina shook her head and wandered into the kitchen, startling Elena, who was sitting quietly at the table with a mug of something that smelled absolutely wonderful. “What are you drinking?” She approached Elena as if the woman wasn’t the wife of Xellos and General of the Beastmaster. Maybe it was a little irreverent, but she’d known her before all that...
        Elena looked up, tilting her head at Lina. “Oh… this? It’s something that Kira called ‘cinnamon cocoa’ and I have to admit, it’s pretty good…”
        Lina considered. Anything that had cinnamon and chocolate in it simply had to be good. “So… where can I get some?” She looked around the kitchen, not seeing any viable source of the liquid.
        Anya, the strange servant that Lina had noticed earlier, produced a mug with the wonderful-smelling drink, and offered it to her. With a shrug, Lina took the mug and sipped slowly.
        Yes, she decided, this is definitely something worth drinking again. Oh, this is good... She settled into a chair at the table and looked over at Elena. “So… how are things working out? I mean, between your Dragon blood and the Mazoku affiliation.”
        Elena smiled softly, setting her own mug down. “Well… I’m not sure I’m a true Mazoku. I don’t have to feed like most of them do… and though Xellos won’t tell me all of it, I’m given the impression that as agents of Zelas… we’re somewhat exempt from certain things.”
        “Like the fact that Xellos loves?” Lina asked. “I mean, it’s a pretty well-known fact that Mazoku can’t love. It goes against the very nature of being a lesser minion of Shabranigdo.”
        Elena mused for a moment. “I think that’s because there’s just enough of what we once were within us…”
        ‘Oh… I see,” Lina replied. “It gives you another level on which to operate. Because there’s a little of that aspect of self left, you can understand the reasons used in reactions taken by the mortals. That makes sense.”
        “It’s the same with you, Lina,” Kira’s voice interrupted as she entered the kitchen. “You are every bit Lina Inverse as you are Chaos Knight. And because the hierarchy is set up that way, you can’t become a Mazoku. You draw on powers that are higher than they are… no offence, Elena.”
        Elena shrugged. “It doesn’t really affect me. I know that if Lina so chose, she could wipe me off of the face of the Four Worlds with a few moments worth of thought. But I’m also pretty sure that we wouldn’t ever come to that… so I’m not going to spend any time worrying over it.”
        Lina was thunderstruck. “I… could do… that?”
        Kira cuffed her great-great granddaughter. “Remember your hierarchy lessons, child! The Lord of Nightmares is the Mother of All Things, yes? And given that, L-Sama resides over Shabranigdo, even as Shabranigdo resides over Zelas. Granted, that doesn’t really bother Zelas… but not many things do actually bother her.”
        “So… I’m on a higher level than Zelas?” Lina asked, considering this carefully.
        Kira sat beside Lina and shook her head. “Not in the literal sense, no. You’re in a class of your own… but you do carry more weight in the grand scheme of things than say… Xellos.”
        Lina thought about that. “That’s a rather unnerving thought. I mean… why me? What is so special about me that I’d be picked for this?”
        Kira smiled softly. “That’s something that you are going to have to discover for yourself, Lina. No-one can tell you why except yourself.”
        Lina made a face at Kira. “Why did I expect that kind of an answer from you? At least it beats Xellos’ favorite phrase.” She shook her head and finished the cocoa. “That stuff’s good. It makes the perfect before-bed drink… and that is precisely where I am going.” She stood up, turning to head for the kitchen door. “Goodnight.”

        Amelia missed Lina’s farewell because she was standing on the porch, looking off across the street. A tan-gloved hand settled on the railing beside hers, and she looked up to see Zelgadis looking off in the same direction she had been.
        “You were out here alone,” he said without looking.
        Amelia nodded slowly. “It was kind of… crowded in there.”
        There was the slightest hint of a chuckle from him. “It’s becoming a habit to have the Lord of Nightmares Herself around at dinnertime. At least she eats less than Lina.”
        Amelia giggled for a moment, then turned serious. “What do you think of this, Mi… Zelgadis? With Miss Lina as the Chaos Knight…” She turned to look at him, eyes threatened by tears. “Do you think she’ll still want us as her friends?”
        He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to be as comforting as he knew how. “Of course she will, Amelia. She’s still the same old Lina.”
        Above, frozen just in the process of leaning out the open window to holler down a good night to the two on the porch, Lina stood mute. Oh, Amelia… she thought, moving back away from the window and turning to the bed, fighting tears of her own. They’re all so worried about me… and frankly, so am I…
        With that thought, she curled up in the bed and fell asleep, trying to forget.

Chapter Five