Chapter Thirteen

All is Balanced…
Back to Normal…
But What Now…?

        Zelgadis was confused. One moment he had been facing the possibility that he’d have to fight Kira, and the next, Kira had grabbed him by the collar and asked him why he hadn’t gone out on a date with Amelia yet.
        And so, he was out on said date.
        Life was, as far as he could tell, back to normal. Amelia was happily chattering away across the table, pausing to look dreamily at him every so often, then returning to her seemingly endless stream of chatter.
        Thank goodness the food would be coming soon.

        Lina still couldn’t believe how quickly the Lord of Nightmares could change topics or appearances, but then… L-Sama was Chaos, after all… and Chaos was anything but predictable.
        Kira had immediately returned to life as normal, grabbing Zelgadis and Amelia and sending them out on a date, all expenses paid. When she’d reached out to send Lina and Gourry out, Lina almost blew up the living room, and Kira decided that Lina didn’t need any help right now.
        But she did.
        Lina stood in the garden, wondering what was to be. She was, after all, the Chaos Knight now… not a whole lot could present a challenge. Except, she didn’t need to become the Chaos Knight unless it was needed of her. The rest of the time, she was just Lina Inverse, Dragon Spooker, Bandit Killer, Dra-Mata… and about a thousand other nicknames and odd references. She could live with that.
        Just as she could live with the strange unspoken relationship between herself and Gourry. He’d always be there for her, and she’d always be there for him.
        She sat on the bench, looking out at the fading evening, and sighed softly. It felt good to relax after the past couple of days.
        Someone sat beside her, and she looked over to see Aqua smiling at her. “Good evening, Lina.”
        “Been a long day, hasn’t it?” Aqua began, looking off to the roses.
        Lina nodded. “Yeah.”
        Aqua smiled. “It will get better, Lina.” She lifted her head with a smile, and started to chuckle. “Well, we’re about to have visitors. I suppose I ought to greet them…” She rose from the bench, and as Lina turned to look, Aqua shimmered, shifting into the iridescent dragon-form. As Lina watched her leap into the air, two other winged forms caught her attention: one Golden, one Black.
        Filia and Aurin.
        Of course, they would have sensed it…
        As she watched the younger dragons encounter the far, far older one, she smiled as it dawned on her. She had made it possible.

        Amelia was only chattering because she was nervous. She’d never truly been out on a date before. Not alone, without bodyguards and servants at her command. She didn’t know what to do. She knew that she was most likely irritating Zelgadis. She picked at her spaghetti and sighed. “I’m… sorry, Zelgadis. I don’t mean to irritate you.”
        He looked at her quietly for a moment. “You’re nervous.”
        She nodded. “I’ve never been on a date before. I mean, a real date without bodyguards or servants all around me to make sure that nothing happens to me. I guess I just don’t know what to do.”
        “Are you finished eating?” He asked in answer.
        She blinked. “Um… I suppose… I’m not eating much of it anymore…”
        He stood and walked around the table to hold out his hand to her. “Come on.”
        She blinked and took his hand, standing slowly. When she had stood, he turned and walked with her to the door. He held the door for her, and they headed out into the night.

        Gourry was happily seated in the forest, a group of elves seated along with him, asking him question after question. For the first time since he had run away with the Sword of Light, he felt as if he were home. He didn’t even notice the dragons in flight overhead, nor was he aware of them landing in the garden just outside of the forest.

        “I can’t believe it! The Water Dragon!” Filia squeaked.
        “Please… just call me Aqua… Lina, is she always like this?” Aqua said, watching Filia, who was standing in human form before her. Her pink-bowed tail twitched excitedly as she continued to express her excitement over the return of the Water Dragon.
        Aurin shook his head, also in human form, but not nearly as excited. “She tends to get worked up over little things. However, the restoration of the Water Dragon is no little thing.”
        Aqua looked at Aurin. “You… you must tell me all about this, how the Gold Dragons made peace with the Ancient Dragons, and how your sister ended up becoming the General of Juuou.”
        Aurin coughed. “That… is a very long and involved tale. Perhaps we should escort you to Haiden’s Peak and tell you along the way?”
        Aqua turned to Lina, who had remained quiet the entire time. “Lina…?”
        Lina blinked, looking over. “Hm? Oh, go ahead. Those two will take care of you.”
        Aqua tilted her head, and then nodded. “Take care, Lina Inverse.”
        Lina watched the three shift into dragon form and head off into the night sky. What was left for her to do?

        “You’re not thinking of leaving?” Kira’s voice broke the silence that had come with the departure of the dragons.
        Lina turned to look at Kira and smiled faintly. “Actually, I am. There are some things that I have to work out… like what I feel for Gourry, and what happens when we are needed. Whose side do I stand on, and why? Zel and Amelia need some downtime, to get to know each other… and Gourry has family here… in those elves.”
        Kira nodded slowly. “You do know that my taking the position of the Priestess of Shabranigdo has nothing against you or Luna, right?”
        Lina nodded. “The job has to be done, or the imbalance would destroy the world. It’s a bad job, but someone has to do it, right?”
        Kira smiled. “Precisely. And besides, with Shabranigdo sleeping, I mostly get to keep to myself. It’s tolerable.”
        Lina walked over to her elder and hugged her quickly. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
        Kira returned the embrace, and looked to Lina. “What do I tell them?”
        “Tell them…” There was a pause. “Tell them that I’ll be around.”
        Lina faded from sight, and Kira shook her head slowly. “Good luck, Lina. I hope you find what you seek.”

        Xellos and Elena sat on the roof of Kira’s house watching. “Well,” said Xellos,  “There goes Lina.”
        “She won’t abandon them,” Elena said quietly. “They are her friends, just as they are our friends.”
        Xellos looked at Elena. “What makes you think Mazoku have friends?”
        Elena smiled. “I don’t think, Xellos. I know.”
        “Hmf. Next thing you’ll do is go around telling everyone that Mazoku can love. And then what will happen to our terrifying image? We’re supposed to be these evil creatures, Elena… not more powerful and immortal versions of humanity.” Xellos smirked.
        “Fine. I’ll go hide under some child’s bed and spook them, or something. Coming?” Elena retorted as she phased out.
        Xellos rolled his eyes. “Women.”
        But he followed.

        Amelia and Zelgadis walked quietly along the river of Tirshen, arm in arm. Curiously, they both were enjoying themselves, the night, and the company. It was companionable, without pressure or madcap antics. It was almost as if this was everything in the world, and they were alone within it.
        He stopped, pulling her close, and she squeaked in surprise. “Zelgadis…?”
        He put a finger to her lips, and pointed to the sky. Three dragons flew overhead, and Amelia gasped. She knew each of them, and she smiled. But before she could make a comment, cool lips were pressed against hers, and after a moment, she closed her eyes.
        The dragons went on overhead, unwatched.

        The Sea of Chaos had tides; highs and lows just like any other physical body of water. When the tide was highest, the Chaos Knight would be drawn to it like a moth to a flame, answering the call that was presented. When the tide was low, the Chaos Knight would sleep within the mortal shell, unneeded.
        The tide was receding now, and it would be a long time before it would rise again. As big as the Sea of Chaos was, it took time for the tide to turn.
        The two stood on the Sea of Chaos, discussion passing back and forth far faster than any mortal could comprehend. The one in white looked to the one in gold and tilted her head.
        Yes, better to let her be, the Lord of Nightmares agreed.
        She will run rampant through the world, Zelas Metallium, known also as Juuou cautioned.
        Why do you think I chose her? The Golden One queried.
        Tides of Chaos indeed, Juuou remarked wryly.
        Precisely. She is strong in Chaos, ungrounded and free. Let her be for now. Watch. The Lord of Nightmares pointed across the Sea to the World, focusing her attention on the flame-haired woman.

        She stood on the road from Tirshen, looking out at the world that lay before her.  Wildness was filling her, a swirl of freedom and total lack of commitment. She had nowhere to be and nothing to do. She truly was Chaos, untamable, uncontrollable.
        Wind whipped through red hair bound back by a black ribbon, lifting the edges of her black cape, and caressing her cheek in invitation. She took a moment to savor the feeling, then rose into the night and joined the wind in the dance of flight.