Commentary on Slayers: The Ancient Temple of Kuroryu

Chapter One:

 Now let me get this one thing straight: Unlike what everyone else thinks, I’m not always hungry. Yeah, I know it /seems/ like I’m always hungry… but I’m not. Sometimes I just want to taste the food!
 I have to admit, I had no idea what this ‘missing princess’ deal would turn into, but then again, the vast majority of my adventures I just don’t see coming. And this one was no exception! I’m still not sure who invited us across the gate, but I’m pretty sure that it was Lalli.

Chapter Two:

 It wasn’t really that big a surprise to see Xellos, but he likes it when you act all shocked and stuff. But what I don’t get is why he wasn’t willing to help us out at first. I mean, later on, he’s mostly the one who made the biggest impact on the others… but at the start, he wasn’t much more than an annoyance. Granted, that’s nothing new for him.
 The princess was disappointingly easy to find, being that she was sound asleep in the largest hall of the place. I had expected a harder search. However, when I look back on it, she was only the ‘tool’ that Shabranigdo used to bring us into the game, so to speak. The kid was better than most, though. She didn’t whine and snivel… in fact, I think the entire time we were in battle, she was reading the history carved on the walls. She’ll make a good leader, in time.
 That ultimate secret… well, if you’ve read the story, you know what it was.

Chapter Three:

 Amelia’s grown up a lot. I mean, she’s not the bra- er… princess who liked to pose and lead off with lengthy prose before she managed to fall flat on her face in front of the enemy. And when she told me about her test, I was kinda surprised that she didn’t try to take the golden Dragons on all by herself. It’s a good thing she didn’t, though. Her spell, whatever it was, allowed the whole story to continue. Lalli wasn’t supposed to live, after all. She told me that she didn’t know what spell she cast, that she wasn’t thinking about it, just cast it. It makes me wonder what levels of magic Amelia would be capable of with the right teacher.

Chapter Four:

 Gourry’s dumber than a stack of bricks. When he told me about his adventure, I did my best not to get lost in his logic about intelligence, then I just gave up. But that he saw my sister… that scares me. It scares me a whole lot that Nee-chan seems to be keeping track of me. I wonder what she thinks of me now…
 And what’s the deal about this guy calling Gourry an Elder? Gourry won’t explain it, and Xellos just smiled that damnably annoying smile of his and told me it was a secret. I told Lalli that she was lucky I didn’t fry him right there. She reminded me that hes’d probably enjoy it. I’d forgotten about that. Explains a lot of why Xellos hung around and let me get all those hits in on him.

Chapter Five:

 Zelgadis. Zelgadis… Zelgadis… Zelgadis.

Chapter Six:

 What a set-up! I didn’t know that Xellos was capable of love! But there it is… for all to see. What a colorful history our Mazoku friend has. Maybe one day I’ll pin him to the wall and he’ll tell me all of it. He’d enjoy that, I think.

Chapter Seven

 I don’t like being jerked around, and that’s exactly what the Black Dragons did. But afterwards, I can see why. It’s not like they could openly ask for help. If they had, Shabranigdo would have destroyed them.
 I didn’t figure out why they called me Kira, at least, not until later. And I wasn’t expecting to find another fragment of Shabranigdo. Right then, I knew that my life was forfeit, and that I was echoing the actions of Kira. This was how she had died, and I’d been taken back into time to follow in her steps.
 But I was wrong.

Chapter Eight

 After the fact, I’m kind of flattered that it was Xellos who took it into his own hands to keep me from being killed. Not that he moved fast enough, mind you, but at least I saw that the others actually did care enough to try to face down Shabranidgo too.
 The thing with Aurin and Valgarv… I’d have seen it coming if I’d been there. It was part of the after-effect of Amelia’s spell. It made a lot of sense.
 When Shabranigdo forced me out of my body, I knew that it was going to be a no-win situation. You see, it’s what happened to Rezo. Shabranigdo’s rebirth would be in the host body when he posessed it. Rezo didn’t have enough offensive left to fight, but I hadn’t been driven by the Dark Lord for years. I’d been my own, and made a bit of power for myself. But I knew that alone, I couldn’t win. And the odds were in my favor with the Lord of Nightmares. I’d almost controlled the spell before Hellmaster Phibrizo threw that spell at me.
 But I still didn’t know precisely what the Giga Slave entailed.

Chapter Nine

 I never in my wildest imaginings thought that the Giga Slave was actually a summon spell. It never occurred. But it was, so cleanly cast, that She came to me. I actually understood the warnings in the Claire Bible /after/ I accepted her offer. It was a warning to those not of Chaos.
 I didn’t give the power much thought at the time, only the knowledge that I could not allow Shabranidgo to be reborn. I did what I had to do.
 In the process, a whole lot of things started to make sense.
 It turns out that the kid, the princess of Kuroryu was left behind in the future Kuroryu to read the history as we created it. And when we came back, she was right there waiting for us. She knew we’d be there.

Chapter Ten

 I certainly didn’t expect the Goddesses to grant us repeat visits! And Xellos as a human had some very tempting implications, but I figured that both the fact that he /was/ human for the night –and- he had come to help me against Shabranigdo… I’d be nice. Call it reverse payback. He knows he owes me.

Chapter Eleven

I hate dresses. I mean, I absolutely hate them. I hate the fact that I’m small, I hate the way skirts swirl around your feet… and I absolutely loathe those shoes!
But beyond that, the ball was enjoyable. Up until the wedding announcement. Then everything very quickly went to Hell.

Chapter Twelve

 We were trapped in the continuation of Hell, watching the scene play out like some play that was being put on before us. All I could try to do was keep Aurin from killing Xellos. But how could I keep Xellos from killing himself? Lucky for me, that thought didn’t occur to him.
 He clung to her as she died, and there was not a damned thing that we could do about it.
 All I could do was go to bed and hope that something would come to me in the night.

Chapter Thirteen

 We’d drawn straws, and I was the unlucky one who got to go wake up Xellos. I don’t know why I told him about my childhood… it just came to my mouth and fell out without me being really aware of it. I told him I was making a point with it… but the words seemed really hollow to me.
 And what a shock when I figured out who the arrival was. Lalli, in full Mazoku form. Xelas Mellatium was absolutely right in selecting her for General. The woman has presence. And that sword only added to it.
 Sadly, my little group reacted in the general manner that they do. Amelia effervesced, and Gourry got it totally wrong. In the end, I had to fireball Gourry, and that set almost everyone into a relieved laugh.
 And leave it to Filia to come up with another reason to wear a damned dress.

Chapter Fourteen

 Sure. Zelgadis has a sense of timing. He knows exactly when to leave. I’m still not entirely sure how I managed to get there and back, but I fgure it’s much the same way that Xellos uses his abilities. It’s not real magic, mind… there’s no spell, no power-up, and nothing drags at your spell-casting ability.
 What hit me was the fact that Zelgadis liked me. I’m not usually dense, but that one showed me as dense as Gourry. It shocked me, but we both knew that it wouldn’t work. And maybe Zelgadis will get used to the fact that Amelia likes him a whole lot.
 Besides, I remember now.
 I kissed Gourry.